Our logo was developed as a variation of the Stag of St. Hubert (Hubertus/Eustace.) As legend has it, St. Hubert's wife died at a young age and during childbirth in Belgium. Becoming disenchanted with religion, Hubert withdrew from it, and threw himself into hunting.
On a Good Friday morning, when the faithful were crowding the churches, Hubert headed out to hunt and came in pursuit of a magnificent stag. As he drew back his bow, the animal turned to face Hubert at which point he was astounded to see a crucifix perched between its antlers.
At this moment he heard a voice saying: "Hubert, unless thou turnest to the Lord, and leadest a holy life, thou shalt quickly go down into hell". Hubert went on to become a Bishop and later a Saint, and from this legend comes the Stag of St. Hubert which has also been somewhat unceremoniously borrowed by Jagermeister (German for Master of the Hunt) Liqueur.